[Mapserver-dev] Optimizing msAddLine()

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Jan 6 17:50:50 EST 2003

Steve Lime wrote:
> Thanks David, lemme (and others?) look through the code and test it a
> bit. Certainly looks
> promising though. Wonder how much affect it has in web use...

I think the basic idea is great (better than reallocating one item
at a time), but I'm worried a bit by the overhead in memory usage
involved in general use of the current solution, especially for things
like the labelcache that stores shapes for each label.  I could be wrong
but I would think that the majority of those shapes in the labelcache
will have only one point (i.e. one lineObj) ... so with the current
implementation we are wasting 63*8=504 bytes per label
(sizeof(pointObj)=8 on a 32 bits system).  A street level map could
easily have hundreds of labels or more, so a relatively simple street
map with 200 labels in the cache would be wasting about 100k...
... well, now that I do the maths I guess 100k per map draw in average
is not that bad.

Anyway, what I wanted to propose is to start with a smaller buffer and
double the buffer size everytime we realloc, e.g. start with a buffer of
8 lineObj, then realloc to 16, 32, 64, 128, ... ... so assuming that
most shapes (in the Universe ;) have in average less than 8 rings we
would do only 1 allocation and not waste too much memory, and for
shapes with hundreds of rings then we would not be doing too many
reallocations (about the same number as with a fixed increment of 64).

Anyway, just a thought.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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