[Mapserver-dev] How to Show chinese characters?

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Mon May 19 20:32:56 EDT 2003

The new versions of GD have support for more character mappings which may help you, but as long as the fonts you're using support UNICODE you should be fine. Note that you MUST use TrueType fonts. The GD bitmap fonts support only a limited character set. I've forwarded this to the main list in hopes they may help. I know this question has been asked before...


Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155
>>> "keni" <keninet at sina.com> 05/18/03 10:10 PM >>>
mapserver-dev, hello$)A#!
	I am a student and want to use Mapserver to build the web map station.But i download both 
mapserver 3.6 and mapserver 3.7,it cannot show the chinese characters in the label and the 



$)A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!keninet at sina.com

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