[Mapserver-dev] Why not add a PROJECT to the WEB object

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Jul 20 18:03:04 EDT 2004

Hi all,

Here is some food for thought.

I see occasional questions posted about people wanting to use whatever 
projection for their output image, but often want to work in lat/long in 
CGI mode. Our normal answer is to have them work in the output projection.

I was thinking that it should be simple to add a PROJECTION object to 
the WEB object that would cause the CGI input coordinates to be treated 
as if they were from that WEB PROJECTION space instead of whatever the 

This would allow you to change the output projection on the fly without 
having to change all the assumption in your mapping applications about 
coordinate values and projection space.

I think this would also work out nicely in mapscript. Unless I am 
missing something here this seems like it would be a real value added.

Any thoughts, comments, bashing on this are welcome.

-Steve W.

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