[Mapserver-dev] Scale-Dependent Renderers

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Thu Jul 29 19:37:50 EDT 2004

We recently received a large ArcIMS AXL file, to do a test conversion 
to Mapserver, and one of the things the struck was that AXL has support 
for scale dependent renderers.
I was struck again by the utility of the concept today, as I wrote four 
scale dependent layers to represent the same data table at four 
different resolutions.  Often, we want to render the same things 
differently at different scales, and forcing the choice at the layer 
level gets very verbose, very fast.

An example would be rendering roads data. At a certain level of zooming 
in, I want to start rendering features somewhat wider than I would at 
full zoom out level.

      Paul Ramsey
      Refractions Research
      Email: pramsey at refractions.net
      Phone: (250) 885-0632

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