[Mapserver-dev] creating some default symbols

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Jun 16 10:59:39 EDT 2004

I like the idea, but I think it should be possible for a user to 
override the definition of a given symbol in their symbolset.

This means we should perhaps change the symbol searching or parsing so 
that in case of duplicates, it's the last one that is not used and not 
the first one.

Once we do that then we can use nice names without underscores.


Steve Lime wrote:
> That would've been my preference. There's probably not much harm in
> using those names. Although if a user creates a duplicate the internal
> one would be selected first. I may stick with the leading underscores
> while developing until the naming issue is thought out more...
> Steve
>>>>Sean Gillies <sgillies at frii.com> 06/15/04 8:44 PM >>>
> On Jun 15, 2004, at 4:59 PM, Steve Lime wrote:
>>Anyone see a problem with creating some basic symbols (circle, square,
>>triangle, star) when the symbolFileObj is initialized? Users could
>>reference them by names like _circle or _star so as not to break old
>>apps. Then we could do things like using the built-in circle in cases
>>when a user specifies a size but no symbol.
> According to the SLD spec, well known symbol names are "square", 
> "circle",
> "triangle", "star", "cross", and "x".
> Sean

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