[Mapserver-dev] Re: [Mapserver-users] WMS Problems...

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Mar 5 12:29:12 EST 2004

Steve Lime wrote:
> I've moved this to mapserver-dev. Ok, to sum up:
> 1) Looks like formats for 1.0.0 are hardcoded. I can't say who's using
> version more 
> frequently but it seems to me that the process to output formats should
> be the same
> across versions even if what appears to the user is different. I would
> vote to sync
> that process.


OK, would you like me to correct the 1.0.0 behaviour?  I sort of had
the impression someone was already addressing that.

> 2) Formats cannot be excluded from presentation. Bug already exists for
> this.
> 3) There is no way (within the same mapfile) to have multiple versions
> of the same
> format. To me this is a big problem especially with very flexible
> formats like TIFF. Can
> we simply choose to support one? Frank's makes the most sense to me,
> but I can
> see where simply a name may be to cryptic.

I think there is already a way, which is to just list different varieties
with the different extended mime options.  I think this would be completely
under the control of the person writing the .map file already (with the
exception of 1.0.0 of course).

> This covers almost everything in my original note except for 1 thing.
> Why does
> tiff show up with 1.1.x capabilities documents if no tiff image output
> format is
> defined in the mapfile? The reason this is a problem is that requesting
> a tiff generates
> an error.

This happens because there is an internal default definition for GeoTIFF if
GDAL is configured.   I don't understand why actually requesting it would
generate an error. Could you submit a bug with a support mapping file and data
demonstrating the problem?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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