Should WMS require PROJ.4?

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Sat Nov 27 13:54:08 EST 2004

Hi Tom,

it is optional in the DTD, but it is required according to the text (in
the layer itself or in a parent layer).

"Every Layer shall have exactly one <LatLonBoundingBox> element that is
either stated
explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer."

Best regards,

On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 13:40:27 -0500, Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
<Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA> wrote:

>> > Is LatLongBoundingBox a required element in WMS capabilities
>> > documents?
>> >
> LatLongBoundingBox is an optional element in OGC:WMS 1.1.1:
> Additionally, there is an optional BoundingBox child element in Layer,
> which specifies the bbox in the native projection of the data, i.e.:
> <LatLonBoundingBox minx="-84.9772" miny="40.5156" maxx="-82.2389"
> maxy="44.4664"/>
> <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:26717" minx="183289" miny="4.4915e+06"
> maxx="395129" maxy="4.9243e+06"/>
> While both are not required in OGC:WMS Capabilities XML, they provide
> much functionality to Capabilities parsers.  Some uses are:
> - generating an overview map with a bounding box outline of the Layer
> - generating an OGC:WMS GetMap request of the data
> - provides "Zoom to layer" type functionality to WMS clients
> Add the fact that MapServer generates this beautifully on the fly for
> Capabilities.
> ..Tom

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