corrected version of

Gregor Mosheh stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Wed Feb 9 23:39:59 EST 2005

I posted to mapserver-users yesterday that was not working correctly. I have
corrected the problem in, and the
corrected file is attached. I also sent a copy to
Atilla Csipa. I think that, if your testing confirms
that my changes were a good thing, it would make a
good update to the next MapServer release.

The problem I described:
Running the program gave a "not an array reference at
line 235" error. This was after the tables had been
created, while parsing the first shape in the

This problem existed with different shapefiles of
various geometry types.

Iteration through the shape's attributes was using a
numeric index through an arrayref, and the attributes
are stored in a hashref keyed by the attribute name.
Thus, not an array reference.

I could only guess that some old version of
Geo::Shapelib used indexes, but Geo::Shapelib 0.12 and
0.13 use a hash.

Around line 240, a simple replacement of the iteration
to instead use
for iteration and
for attribute fetching.

It now works, seeming properly.
The Geo::Shapelib versions available to CPAN, back to
0.09, have a FieldNames attribute and therefore this
modified should work with those versions
of this library.

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-------------- next part --------------

# Copyright (c) 2003, Attila Csipa, Manufaktura Internet Inzenjering doo
# Gregor Mosheh, Feb 2005 - line 235, fixed the iteration to use
#                           attributes' names instead of index number


use DBI;
use Geo::Shapelib qw/:all/;
#use Shape qw/:all/; # use this if you have an older shapelib version installed and the above line fails (also change line 29)

$dbname = "gisdata";
$host = "localhost";
$dbuser = "gisdata";
$dbpass = "password";

$mac = 0;       # this is not a mac
$ENDIAN = 1;    # 0 = big endian - mac, 1 = little endian - intel

# --- do not edit below this line

die "Configure database parameters on the beginning of this script file\n" if $dbname eq "changeme";
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$host:3306",$dbuser,$dbpass) || die $DBI::errstr ;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;

die "Usage: shp2mysql shpname\n\nwhere shpname is the name (with path) to the base name of the shape file (do not include file name extensions !)\n" unless $ARGV[0];
die "Shapefile $ARGV[0] not found !" unless -f "$ARGV[0].shp";
$shape = new Geo::Shapelib $ARGV[0];
#$shape = new Shape $ARGV[0];


sub query
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(shift) or die "DBI error $!";
    $sth->execute or die "DBI error $!";
    return $sth;

sub rect
    my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = @_;
    my $minx = $x0 <  $x1 ? $x0 : $x1;
    my $maxx = $x0 >= $x1 ? $x0 : $x1;
    my $miny = $y0 <  $y1 ? $y0 : $y1;
    my $maxy = $y0 >= $y1 ? $y0 : $y1;
    return ($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy);


      F_TABLE_CATALOG varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      F_TABLE_SCHEMA varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      F_TABLE_NAME varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      G_TABLE_CATALOG varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      G_TABLE_SCHEMA varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      G_TABLE_NAME varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      STORAGE_TYPE int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      GEOMETRY_TYPE int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      COORD_DIMENSION int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      MAX_PPR int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      SRID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    ) TYPE=MyISAM;");

      SRID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      AUTH_NAME varchar(255) default NULL,
      AUTH_SRID int(11) default NULL,
      SRTEXT varchar(255) default NULL,
    ) TYPE=MyISAM;");

%sqlcreate = ( point => "  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  layer int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  x1 double default NULL,
  y1 double default NULL,
  x2 double default NULL,
  y2 double default NULL,
  vertices int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  GID int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  FOREIGN KEY GID(GID, x1, y1, x2, y2) REFERENCES geometry_point_num (GID),
  KEY layer (layer),
  KEY turbo (x2,y2,x1,y1)",

                arc => "  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  layer int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  x1 double default NULL,
  y1 double default NULL,
  x2 double default NULL,
  y2 double default NULL,
  vertices int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  GID int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  FOREIGN KEY GID(GID, x1, y1, x2, y2) REFERENCES geometry_arc_num (GID),
  KEY layer (layer),
  KEY turbo (x2,y2,x1,y1)",

                polygon => "  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  layer int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  x1 double default NULL,
  y1 double default NULL,
  x2 double default NULL,
  y2 double default NULL,
  vertices int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  GID int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  FOREIGN KEY GID(GID, x1, y1, x2, y2) REFERENCES geometry_polygon_num (GID),
  KEY layer (layer),
  KEY turbo (x2,y2,x1,y1)",

                annotation => "  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  layer int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  x1 double default NULL,
  y1 double default NULL,
  x2 double default NULL,
  y2 double default NULL,
  vertices int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  angle double default '0.0',
  size int not null default '10',
  txt VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '',
  GID int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  FOREIGN KEY GID(GID, x1, y1, x2, y2) REFERENCES geometry_annotation_num (GID),
  KEY layer (layer),
  KEY turbo (x2,y2,x1,y1)",

                num => "  GID INTEGER NOT NULL,
  X1 double default NULL,
  Y1 double default NULL,
  X2 double default NULL,
  Y2 double default NULL,
  KEY x (X1,Y1)",
                bin => "  GID INTEGER NOT NULL,
  XMIN double default NULL,
  YMIN double default NULL,
  XMAX double default NULL,
  YMAX double default NULL,
  KEY (GID),

$sqlcreate{'3'} = $sqlcreate{'arc'};
$sqlcreate{'line'} = $sqlcreate{'arc'};

sub mklayer
    my ($sh, $type, $add) = @_;
          $sh =~ tr/-/_/;
    #print "$sh/$type ($sqlcreate{$type})\n";
        $dbh->do("drop table if exists $sh");
        $dbh->do("drop table if exists $sh");
        $dbh->do("drop table if exists ${sh}_num");
        $dbh->do("drop table if exists ${sh}_bin");
        $dbh->do("create table if not exists $sh ($sqlcreate{$type} $add)");
        $dbh->do("create table if not exists ${sh}_num ($sqlcreate{num})");
        $dbh->do("create table if not exists ${sh}_bin ($sqlcreate{bin})");
        $dbh->do("delete from GEOMETRY_COLUMNS where F_TABLE_NAME = ".$dbh->quote($sh));
        $dbh->do("insert into GEOMETRY_COLUMNS
        values ('$dbname', '', ".$dbh->quote($sh).", 'GID', '$dbname', '', ".$dbh->quote("${sh}_bin").", 1, '$gtype{$type}', 2, 2, 0)");

sub wkb
    $int = $mac ? "N" : "V";
    my ($poly, $end, $wkbt)= (shift, shift, shift);
    my $wkb = pack("C$int$int", $end, $WKB_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, 1);
    $wkb .= pack("C$int", $end, $wkbt);
    my $nr = shift;
    if ($poly){
        $wkb .= pack("$int", $nr);
    while ($nr -- > 0){
        my $pts = shift;
        if ($wkbt != $WKB_POINT){
            $wkb .= pack("$int", $pts);
        $double = "";;
        for (my $i=0; $i<$pts; $i++){
            $double = pack("dd", shift, shift);
            if ($mac){
                @o = unpack("CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC", $double);
                $double = pack("CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC", $o[7],$o[6],$o[5],$o[4],$o[3],$o[2],$o[1],$o[0],$o[15],$o[14],$o[13],$o[12],$o[11],$o[10],$o[9],$o[8]);
            $wkb .= $double;
    return $wkb;

@tmp = split(/\//, $ARGV[0]);
$sh = pop @tmp;

undef $fields;
undef @field;
undef $appendvars;
undef $vars;
#$shape->{FieldTypes} = ['Integer'];
for (@{$shape->{FieldNames}}){
        $fields .= ", f_$_ VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''";
        push @field, "f_$_";
        $appendvars .= ", f_$_ ";

if ($shape->{Shapetype} eq POINT){
        mklayer($sh , 'point', $fields);
} elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq LINE or $shape->{Shapetype} eq 3){
        mklayer($sh , 'line', $fields);
} elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq ARC){
        mklayer($sh , 'arc', $fields);
} elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq POLYGON){
        mklayer($sh , 'polygon', $fields);

for (0..@{$shape->{Shapes}}-1){
        undef $appenddata;
        #for ($v = 0; $v < $vars; $v++){
        #       $appenddata .= ", ".$dbh->quote(${$shape->{ShapeRecords}}[$_][$v]);
        foreach my $fieldname (@{$shape->{FieldNames}}) {
                $appenddata .= ", ".$dbh->quote(${$shape->{ShapeRecords}}[$_]{$fieldname});
                #print $dbh->quote(${$shape->{ShapeRecords}}[$_]{$fieldname});
        while (${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[++$vrt][0] ne undef){
         undef %object;
         if ($shape->{Shapetype} eq LINE or $shape->{Shapetype} eq 3){
                $object{x0} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt-1][0];
                $object{y0} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt-1][1];
                $object{x1} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt][0];
                $object{y1} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt][1];
                next unless $object{x0};
# line
            print "-";
            $dbh->do("insert into ${sh}_num (GID, ESEQ, SEQ, ETYPE, X1, Y1, X2, Y2) values ('$gid', 1, 1, 2, '$object{x0}','$object{y0}','$object{x1}','$object{y1}')");
            $string =  wkb(0, $ENDIAN, $WKB_LINESTRING, 1, 2,$object{x0}, $object{y0}, $object{x1}, $object{y1});
            my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into ${sh}_bin (GID, XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX, WKB_GEOMETRY) values ('$gid', '$object{x0}','$object{y0}','$object{x1}','$object{y1}', ? )");
            ($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) = rect($object{x0}, $object{y0}, $object{x1}, $object{y1});
            $dbh->do("insert into $sh (id, layer, vertices, GID, x1, y1, x2, y2 $appendvars) values ('$feat', '$layer{$sh}', 1, '$gid', '$minx', '$miny', '$maxx', '$maxy' $appenddata)") if $vrt eq 0;

        } elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq ARC){
                $object{x0} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt-1][0];
                $object{y0} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt-1][1];
                $object{x1} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt][0];
                $object{y1} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt][1];
                next unless $object{x0};
# line
            print "-";
            $dbh->do("insert into ${sh}_num (GID, ESEQ, SEQ, ETYPE, X1, Y1, X2, Y2) values ('$gid', 1, 1, 2, '$object{x0}','$object{y0}','$object{x1}','$object{y1}')");
            $string =  wkb(0, $ENDIAN, $WKB_LINESTRING, 1, 2,$object{x0}, $object{y0}, $object{x1}, $object{y1});
            my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into ${sh}_bin (GID, XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX, WKB_GEOMETRY) values ('$gid', '$object{x0}','$object{y0}','$object{x1}','$object{y1}', ? )");
            ($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) = rect($object{x0}, $object{y0}, $object{x1}, $object{y1});
            $dbh->do("insert into $sh (id, layer, vertices, GID, x1, y1, x2, y2 $appendvars) values ('$feat', '$layer{$sh}', 1, '$gid', '$minx', '$miny', '$maxx', '$maxy' $appenddata)") if $vrt eq 0;

         } elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq POINT){
                $object{x0} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt][0];
                $object{y0} = ${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}[$vrt][1];
# point

            print ".";
            $dbh->do("insert into ${sh}_num (GID, ESEQ, SEQ, ETYPE, X1, Y1, X2, Y2) values ('$gid', 1, 1, 1, '$object{x0}','$object{y0}','0','0')");
            my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into ${sh}_bin (GID, XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX, WKB_GEOMETRY) values ('$gid', '$object{x0}','$object{y0}','$object{x0}','$object{y0}', ?)");
            $sth->execute(wkb(0, $ENDIAN, $WKB_POINT, 1, 1,$object{x0}, $object{y0}));
            $dbh->do("insert into $sh (id, layer, vertices, GID, x1, y1, x2, y2 $appendvars) values ('$feat', '$layer{$sh}', 1, '$gid', '$object{x0}', '$object{y0}', '$object{x0}', '$object{y0}' $appenddata)");

         } elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq POLYGON){
# poly

            print "O";
                @vertex = @{${$shape->{Shapes}}[$_]{Vertices}};

            ($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) = rect($vertex[0][0], $vertex[0][1], $vertex[0][0], $vertex[0][1]);
            push @vertices, $vertex[0][0], $vertex[0][1];
            for ($v = 1; $v<=$#vertex; $v++) {
                $dbh->do("insert into ${sh}_num (GID, ESEQ, SEQ, ETYPE, X1, Y1, X2, Y2) values ('$gid', 1, $v, 3, '$vertex[$v -1][0]','$vertex[$v -1][1]', '$vertex[$v][0]','$vertex[$v][1]')");
                push @vertices, $vertex[$v][0], $vertex[$v][1];
                $maxx = $vertex[$v][0] if ($vertex[$v][0] > $maxx);
                $minx = $vertex[$v][0] if ($vertex[$v][0] < $minx);
                $maxy = $vertex[$v][1] if ($vertex[$v][1] > $maxy);
                $miny = $vertex[$v][1] if ($vertex[$v][1] < $miny);
#                $dbh->do("insert into vertex (shape,x,y,z) values ('$shape_id','$vertex[$v][0]','$vertex[$v][1]','0')");
            my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into ${sh}_bin (GID, XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX, WKB_GEOMETRY) values ('$gid', '$minx','$miny','$maxx','$maxy', ?)");
            $sth->execute(wkb(1, $ENDIAN, $WKB_POLYGON, 1, $#vertex+1, @vertices));
            undef @vertices;
            $dbh->do("insert into $sh (id, layer, vertices, GID, x1, y1, x2, y2 $appendvars) values ('$feat', '$layer{$sh}', '$#vertex', '$gid', '$minx', '$miny', '$maxx', '$maxy' $appenddata)") if $vrt eq 0;
            $vrt = $#vertex;

print "\n";

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