MapServer and ECW

Bill Binko bill at BINKO.NET
Wed Jun 29 02:45:59 EDT 2005

On Tue, 28 Jun 2005, Steve Lime wrote:

> It helps when you give Frank shell access to your box for testing purposes. ;-) 

You too ? ;-)

>That said, we've been using ECW support for almost 2 months with great
>results- largest image is 33Gb and works very nicely. Compiling the ECW
>libs was easy once I got hold of some compiling scripts Frank had. GDAL
>from CVS was also used and built fine (I don't recall if the development
>version was necessary for ECW or for MrSID, which we're also using). I'll
>go through my emails from Frank to make sure there wasn't one other
>gotcha- for some reason I think I had to touch one header file. Once
>built though it works just great (SuSE 9.2)...

Seriously, on Linux, it really needs that patch, and then it works well.  
GDAL has some rough edges that are ironed out in CVS HEAD and ECW 3.2beta.


> Steve
> >>> Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA> 06/28/05 10:47 AM >>>
> This question is probably more for Frank, but I am interested in 
> feedback from anyone else who has played with MapServer and ECW on Linux 
> already...
> We've just gone through a painful experience trying to get MapServer to 
> work with MrSid files via GDAL on Linux a few weeks ago. Initially we 
> suspected corrupted data files because some of them worked and some 
> didn't, but it turned out that there were some recent fixes in the GDAL 
> CVS that we didn't have. Rebuilding with the latest GDAL from CVS did 
> the trick.
> Now that ER-Mapper has modified its license to allow use of the ECW SDK 
> with open source server software such as MapServer, we need to get 
> Mapserver working with ECW on one of our client's servers. However, 
> before we go through the same experience as for MrSid, I'd like to know 
> if anyone else has tested/used MapServer with ECW files on Linux? Are 
> there specific requirements (GDAL version, DSDK version, etc.)? Anything 
> else we should know about?
> Thanks
> Daniel

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