queryByAttributes & PostGIS PHP/Mapscript issue/crash/segfault

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Wed May 18 19:13:25 EDT 2005

Rhys Ickeringill wrote:
> Have now found that this appears to be an error which only occurs using
> PostGIS layers. If I alter my mapfile to use an OGR connection to load the
> original MapInfo data, the exact same code which previously failed now
> works. Switch back to PostGIS and it fails again.


> Anything I can do to quickly fix this? Or shall I start looking for ways to
> work around this problem?
> Also, should I submit all this as a bug report?

That may be a bug related to the postgis driver vs
msQueryByAttributes(). Probably not specific to PHP MapScript. I'd
suggest that you try this again with the latest 4.6-beta2, and if it
still fails, then file a bug report with a testcase to reproduce.

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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