MapScript classObj setText method...

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Nov 8 15:52:36 EST 2005

Not many opinions I guess. I'll leave this alone with the bogus argument and clean it up at the next major (5.0) release...


>>> Steve Lime <steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US> 11/04/05 11:57 PM >>>
Just looking for a quick opinion. The method has one totally uncessary argument (a *layerObj). I'd like to propose fixing the method and handling through documentation. Otherwise we'd need to create a new method(s) (since we need a getText) with a different name that is not consistent with the other get/set methods for that class. It has the potential to bust a script though, but we have to bite the bullet at some point.


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