Bug when Type = ellipse and Style is over 105

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Nov 22 10:33:19 EST 2005


Can you please file a bug with this, including your proposed fix?



Mathieu Bertrand wrote:
> Hi,
> just to follow my tought of yesterday, here is the code to dynamically
> allocate space to the array:
> ------
>   int numElemStyle=0;
>   for(z=0; z<symbol->stylelength; z++)
>   {
>     numElemStyle = numElemStyle + symbol->style[z];
>   }
>   styleDashed = (int *)calloc(numElemStyle, sizeof(int));
> -----------
> It could be put immediately after "symbol =
> &(symbolset->symbol[style->symbol]);" (around line 1620) in mapgd.c
> Also, don't forget to put a "free(styleDashed);" before each return in
> the function. (To prevent memory leak)
> Any comment will be welcome.
> I'm receiving message from MAPSERVER-DEV often a long time after they
> were posted.  Is there any reason to that ? (Example : I didn't yet
> receive the message I post yesterday afternoon)
> Thank you,
> -Mathieu Bertrand
> On 11/11/05, Mathieu Bertrand <mjbertrand at gmail.com> wrote:
>>I have a mapfile declaring a symbol like this one :
>>  NAME 'test'
>>  POINTS 1 1 END
>>  FILLED true
>>        50 56
>>  END
>>With that symbol, mapserver always crash.
>>However, if I set the following STYLE, it don't crash :
>>   50 55
>>I scan through the code and the error come from mapgd.c, in the
>>function "msDrawLineSymbolGD".  Nearly at the end of the function,
>>there is the following code :
>>    int k=0, sc;
>>    sc = fc; /* start with foreground color */
>>    for(i=0; i<symbol->stylelength; i++)
>>    {
>>      for(j=0; j<symbol->style[i]; j++)
>>      {
>>        styleDashed[k] = sc;
>>        k++;
>>      }
>>      if(sc==fc) sc = bc;
>>      else sc = fc;
>>    }
>>(format may differ)
>>Problem is because styleDashed is declare : "int styleDashed[100];"
>>I don't know why it work for k = 105 (style 50 55)  when the array is
>>declare to be 100 elements, but it crash when k = 106.
>>I declared the array to 200 elements and mapserver didn't crash.
>>Is anybody know why that array was declared to be only 100 elements.
>>I'm not a pro in c programming, but I'm pretty sure that there is a
>>way to allocate space in the array dynamically depending on the style
>>declaration of the mapfile with malloc.  Is there any reason why it
>>was not implemented with malloc at the beggining ?
>>Thank you,
>>-Mathieu Bertrand

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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