WKT RFC - Call for a vote...

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Sep 6 15:21:41 EDT 2005

1) Yes, still optional. Trying to use WKT without one or the other installed
will result in a gentle error message.

2) We don't know yet as it is unclear which has the best support for WKT,
is fastest and so on. GEOS will be first simply because I started this.

As for SDE, write your own RFC... ;-)


>>> Howard Butler <hobu at iastate.edu> 09/06/05 11:36 AM >>>

I would like a couple of clarifications.  Please excuse me if I haven't 
been following the discussion close enough and these have already been covered.

1.  Both the OGR and GEOS mechanisms would depend on functionality that is 
currently provided by these optional libraries.  With the introduction of 
WKT support, these will still be optional libraries, right?  Also, will 
having either library (but not both) provide the needed functionality to 
have WKT support?

2.  Which WKT reader (OGR or GEOS) will be used by default?  The RFC 
currently states that both OGR and GEOS will be wrapped, but it isn't 
immediately clear to me which one will be used.  At the development level, 
will there be an option to choose which WKT reader is used if both are 
available?  I don't know if performance-wise they are equivalent, and I 
would also like to explore the option of using ArcSDE's WKT export which 
may or may not be that well known.


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