[UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Java Mapscript - querybyattribut

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Thu Apr 13 11:18:39 EDT 2006

This is probably not related only to java mapscript, so please read on.

On 3/30/06, Oliver Wesp <wesp at gdv.com> wrote:
> Dear List,
> I' struggling with queryByAttributes on an attribute field with german
> umlauts using java mapscript.
> The odd thing is that the same thing works fine with php mapscript and
> when I use expressions in my  mapfile. I'm using a shapefile as datasource.

Could someone of the other mapserver developers shed some light on this issue?

I have a clue to give: php mapscript is using a different regex
library and this explains why the match does not happen for Java
mapscript, while it does happen in php mapscript. If I am right also
the mapserver cgi should be affected and possibly all other mapscript

It would be very interesting if someone could report on similar
experiences with the cgi-bin version of mapserver.


> Here is what I do:
> layer.queryByAttributes(map,"KREIS_NAME", "/Südliche Weinstraße/",
> mapscriptConstants.MS_MULTIPLE);
> layer.open();
> System.out.println( "Result Count: " +layer.getNumResults() );
> layer.close();
> The result is always null while replacing the qstring with something
> that doesn't contain special characters (e.g.
> 'Mainz-Bingen') works fine.
> As noted above the following layer definition in a mapfile works fine
>      NAME kreis
>      TYPE polygon
>      DATA "/tmp/subset"
>      TEMPLATE "kreis.html"
>      CLASS
>        NAME Boundary
>        COLOR 128 128 0
>        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>        EXPRESSION /Südliche Weinstraße/
>      END
> but this does not:
> layer.setClassitem("KREIS_NAME");
> classObj cl = new classObj(layer);
> cl.setName("Classname");
> cl.setExpression("/Südliche Weinstraße/");
> I use Mapserver 4.8.1 on W2k, Tomcat 5.0.28.
> I can provide some sample data, just in case someone likes to reproduce.
> Any help is appreciated.
> best regards
> Oliver
> --
> Dipl.-Geogr. Oliver Wesp
> Gesellschaft fuer geografische Datenverarbeitung
> Binger Strasse 49-51
> D-55218 Ingelheim
> fon: +49 6132 714818
> fax: +49 6132 714828
> http: www.gdv.com

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