How to do a buffer with CGI command

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Thu Apr 27 23:30:56 EDT 2006

Hi there: The bad news is that you can't do a buffer from the CGI. There is no processing directive for vector data like there is for raster. However, you can do buffers from within MapScript. So if that's a feature you really need (you can do buffer-like queries with the CGI), that is, drawing a buffered feature then you must use MapScript.


>>> Lisbeth Mavárez Sandoval <lisbeth.mavarez at KIBERNO.COM> 04/27/06 3:26 PM >>>

I´m just learning about MapServer. I´m not understand how to do a buffer
in URL of CGI command.

Could somebody help me please?

Very thanks,

Lisbeth Mavárez
Maracaibo - Venezuela

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