compiling with new directives (INCLUDE)

Huub Fleuren hfl at HOME.NL
Wed Aug 16 04:21:38 EDT 2006

a propos mapthread.h:

it says:
#define TLOCK_MAX       100

#define TLOCK_TMPFILE 200 works anyhow


Steve Lime wrote:
> Huub: You need flex and bison installed to work directly from CVS. The
> nightly build
> should have those files included though and it does include the INCLUDE
> support, although
> I think you must use double qoutes (e.g. INCLUDE "" since I
> didn't make
> the change to allow single quotes until after the the nightly
> deadline.
> Visit:
> Steve
>>>> Huub <hfl at HOME.NL> 8/15/2006 10:18:05 AM >>>
> Hi List
> Got 4.9-dev from cvs to marvel at the new INCLUDE directive but it
> gives 
> a parse error.
> This is because maplexer.c in not in CVS
> (same with mapparser.c actually)
> How can  i get the latest versions? Do i wait for the source 
> distributions of 4.9 release?
> Regards, Huub

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