Need for msInit() and msFinish()...

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Feb 13 12:41:41 EST 2006

No, there is no bug. I would consider this not specific to GEOS itself but more
a general need. I will create one and summarize the comments there...


>>> Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA> 02/13/06 11:27 AM >>>
Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> But my understanding is that this support needs to be
> independently done for Perl MapScript and the other swig
> based mapscripts.

On the PHP MapScript front, I thought that we had added a call to 
msCleanup() a while ago but I just looked and couldn't find it. If we 
all agree that msSetup() and msCleanup() are the functions that should 
be called then I'll add them to PHP's MINIT and MSHUTDOWN functions.

BTW, is there a bug already for this?

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at 
  DM Solutions Group     

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