RFC 12

Sean Gillies sgillies at FRII.COM
Sat Feb 18 16:34:40 EST 2006


I think you will have to remove the language about test driven  
development from RFC 12. It's a distraction from your main  
proposition: that C unit tests will be good for MapServer.

I myself am game to help you out with C unit tests. However, it's no  
use trying to mandate that people use them. MapServer just doesn't  
have a culture of testing, and that's all there is to it.
All we can do is write them, use them, encourage others to do so, and  
apply a little (friendly) shaming on people who write code that  
breaks them :) If the tests are easy to run, and useful, there's a  
good chance that developers will grab onto them, but that's the best  
you're going to get.

So, trim the RFC, and let's see a first good example of using cunit.  
I'd like to see if it could replace much of the Python mapscript test  


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