Proposing to support for creating maps with mapserv.exe using
the command line
Steve Lime
Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Jun 21 17:15:04 EDT 2006
Sounds ok to me. It would actually help with some WFS testing we're doing...
>>> "Tamas Szekeres" <szekerest at> 06/21/06 4:08 PM >>>
The main problem is to pass this flag to every function making this header
information. How about adding this flag to cgiRequestObj? However some of
the functions issuing the header does not have a cgiRequestObj parameter so
it should be added to the parameter list for those functions.
I would suggest adding a new command line switch instead of a CGI parameter
since at CGI mode no one will want to suppress this information AFAIK.
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Developers List [mailto:MAPSERVER-DEV at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Steve Lime
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: Proposing to support for creating maps with mapserv.exe using
the command li
It wouldn't require touching that much more code. There aren't that many
a mime-type is output: maps/images, browse templates, query templates, and
the OGC services.
I agree that using output redirection is probably enough. Supressing the
could be done with a command-line switch or simply a CGI parameter.
I would support the modification in that form...
>>> Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at POBOX.COM> 6/21/2006 12:09:26 PM >>>
Tamas Szekeres wrote:
> Frank,
> My primary aim was to enable the image creation by using mapserver as
> a command line tool by utilizing the sophisticated funcionality
> provided by mapserv.exe. The implementation suggested was obvious
> requiring few line to be changed. Suppressing the header seems to be
> equivalent for me and i am ready to move into this direction if
> needed.
> However i am a bit uncertain about the benefit using the OWS
> functionality this way. It requires to change much amount of code that
> i haven't addressed.
> I am not disagreed about the latter if someone can convince me of the
> usability of this functionality.
I think similar uses would apply. You could use a query string that
is a WFS request, and capture the resulting GML to a file for instance.
Currently this sort of use is frustrated by the manditory return of the
content type which must then be stripped off somehow.
I would agree that applying the change more widely would require
touching more code. But as long as you leave routing to a file to
normal shell redirection, it would not be necessary to alter hard stuff,
just control whether content-type headers are emitted.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,
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