A MapServer 5.0 Branch? (Re: RFC 17: Dynamic Array Sizing)

Attila plists at PROMETHEUS.ORG.YU
Tue May 16 15:15:11 EDT 2006

On Monday 15 May 2006 16:44, Sean Gillies wrote:
> advantage of the opportunity to ditch some unsupported or outdated
> aspects of MapServer: non-OGR mysql, image maps, flash, cartoline.

Note that the functions from non-ogr mysql are used for the mysql joins, and 
from the feedback I'm getting, that is one of the major usages of this 
otherwise admittedly rarely used data source. I'm not sure, maybe this 
functionality is now available through different means, but keep this in 
mind, too.

On Tuesday 16 May 2006 11:59, Tamas Szekeres wrote:
> the myGIS driver. It seems that this pooling mechanism is somewhat
> obsolete for now. Any objections on making this parameter internal to
> mygis as part of the msMYGISLayerInfo structure? Also the

That MyGIS is fairly obsolete in itself and is in need of a rewrite to use the 
spatial features (although OGR might be capable of doing what this would be 
good for) or a shrink from a complete backend to a join provider. I would 
really like to do the rewrite, my C at the time of writing the module was 
sloppy at best - I feel I have improved much since then, but unfortunately 
the time to do this properly this time around is what I don't have :(

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