Alternate rendering engines to GD...

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue May 23 12:08:05 EDT 2006

Yes, I think it would make sense to consider a plugin approach to rendering engines. That part of MapServer is setup very similar to layers. The outputformat mechanism also needs to be looked at.


>>> Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at GMAIL.COM> 5/23/2006 10:59 AM >>>

I am interested in having the rendering implementation reconsidered to
make the ability to create external (eg. pluggable) rendering engines.
The existing layer vtable architecture may be a good implementation
sample for it. Does this effort point to this direction?

Best Regards,

Tamas Szekeres

2006/5/23, Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at>:
> This is just a note to gauge interest. I know there is in interest in seeing alternative rendering engines (AGG or Cairo) implemented for MapServer. I'm interested in finding out if there are developers interested in working on something like that with me. Contact me off list...
> Steve

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