Moving Bugzilla functions to OSGeo (trac)

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Thu Apr 12 23:42:28 EDT 2007

Steve Lime wrote:
> Hi all: The latest problems on the Bugzilla box at the UMN prompt me
> to propose moving those functions to OSGeo hardware. It's not the
> first time that machine has had problems and I'm sure it won't be the
> last. It's definitely the weakest piece of the infrastructure at the
> UMN (old, no dedicated admin). What do folks think about migrating
> from Bugzilla to Trac at OSGeo? This would just be a first step to
> moving off UMN infrastructure...
> Steve

+1 on moving to OSGeo Track

You didn't ask but I would be +1 on moving to Subversion also.

-Steve W.

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