Moving Bugzilla functions to OSGeo (trac)

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Mon Apr 16 11:25:32 EDT 2007

+1, as long as we do not lose the bug history (this has worked already 
for GDAL, thanks to Howard's hard work). It would also be nice to have a 
redirect script for the old show_bug.cgi to redirect old bug urls to the 
new Trac location so that links in docs in the mapserver site and all 
over the web, including mail archives, continue to work.

BTW, I do not expect the move to track to solve the spamming issues for 
the long run. That will just be a quick fix until the spammers find the 
new Trac site. I am also not sold on Trac's benefits over bugzilla yet. 
However I think it is a good thing for the long run to align with other 
OSGeo projects infrastructure.


Steve Lime wrote:
> Hi all: The latest problems on the Bugzilla box at the UMN prompt me to propose moving those functions to OSGeo hardware. It's not the first time that machine has had problems and I'm sure it won't be the last. It's definitely the weakest piece of the infrastructure at the UMN (old, no dedicated admin). What do folks think about migrating from Bugzilla to Trac at OSGeo? This would just be a first step to moving off UMN infrastructure...
> Steve

Daniel Morissette

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