CVS2SVN Migration in progress....

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Apr 30 05:22:17 EDT 2007

I created the tarball yesterday morning (Sun) at about 10:30am central so
any changes made after that didn't get migrated, correct?


>>> Howard Butler < at GMAIL.COM> 04/29/07 11:55 AM >>>

The SVN migration is now complete.  Our SVN URL is now:

I have added most of the usual committer suspects to the commit group  
(ie, if you have an OSGeo ID, you should be good to go), but not  
everyone in COMMITTERS has been added because I was unable to find  
IDs for them.  If you need an ID, go to < 
osgeo_userid> to find out more information, and then contact Frank,  
Steve, or I and we'll add your ID to the MapServer SVN commit group.

I goofed and _demo and _nightly made it into the repository, but they  
don't seem too big, and we have subversion so we can delete things  
now ;)

The Trac browser has also been updated.  You can find it at <http://>.

The website was updated <>.

Incremental dumps (that happen every three hours) can be gotten at  
<> with the intent that someone  
might keep them up to date with wget --mirror or something like  
that.  These files are named with a timestamp and repository revision  
numbers, and can be cat'ed together (in order) to create a Subversion  
dump file that would be suitable for maintaining a mirror.

As always, if something isn't quite right, catch me on IRC and we can  
work through it this afternoon.


On Apr 29, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Tamas Szekeres wrote:

> Does it mean that folks should not commit anything until you notify
> about the completion?
> Best regards,
> Tamas
> 2007/4/29, Howard Butler < at>:
>> I am currently working on the CVS to SVN migration.  It should be
>> complete this afternoon.  I will update with details when completed.
>> Howard

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