CVS2SVN Migration in progress....

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Mon Apr 30 08:13:10 EDT 2007

> All,
> The SVN migration is now complete.  Our SVN URL is now:

Woo hoo!  Thanks for this.

> I have added most of the usual committer suspects to the 
> commit group (ie, if you have an OSGeo ID, you should be good 
> to go), but not everyone in COMMITTERS has been added because 
> I was unable to find IDs for them.  If you need an ID, go to 
> < osgeo_userid> to find out more 
> information, and then contact Frank, Steve, or I and we'll 
> add your ID to the MapServer SVN commit group.

My OSGeo ID is different than my MapServer COMMITER username.  How did
this get resolved?

> I goofed and _demo and _nightly made it into the repository, 
> but they don't seem too big, and we have subversion so we can 
> delete things now ;)
> The Trac browser has also been updated.  You can find it at 
> <http://>.
> The website was updated 
> <>.
> Incremental dumps (that happen every three hours) can be 
> gotten at <> with the 
> intent that someone might keep them up to date with wget 
> --mirror or something like that.  These files are named with 
> a timestamp and repository revision numbers, and can be 
> cat'ed together (in order) to create a Subversion dump file 
> that would be suitable for maintaining a mirror.
> As always, if something isn't quite right, catch me on IRC 
> and we can work through it this afternoon.
> Howard
> On Apr 29, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Tamas Szekeres wrote:
> > Does it mean that folks should not commit anything until you notify 
> > about the completion?
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Tamas
> >
> >
> > 2007/4/29, Howard Butler < at>:
> >> I am currently working on the CVS to SVN migration.  It should be 
> >> complete this afternoon.  I will update with details when 
> completed.
> >>
> >> Howard
> >>

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