MapServer 5.0.0-beta2 released

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Aug 7 08:23:25 EDT 2007

Yes in fact there is a note on the MS4W downloads page regarding SDE 
support (

"Note for SDE users

Until bug#1729 is fixed, if you need to display data stored in ESRI's 
SDE database you must use MS4W 2.2.3."

Eduardo Patto Kanegae wrote:
> Just to notice,
> I downloaded latest MS4W yesterday, copied sde91.dll, sg91.dll and 
> pe91.dll to /ms4w/apache/cgi-bin/
> And then copied /ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/ignored-libmap/sde9.1/libmap.dll to 
> /ms4w/apache/cgi-bin/
> but when I tried to run "mapserv.exe -v" I got a windows error message 
> like this:
> ** Could not found the entrypoint for msDebugInitFromEnv at libmap.dll **
> best regards,
> Eduardo

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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