Fwd: Talk about your project at Annual General Meeting

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Wed Aug 29 09:30:02 EDT 2007

Daniel Morissette wrote:
> I can take care of it, unless someone else is interested.
> Here is a list of items I can think of, please send along your ideas:
> A year in the life of MapServer
> ===============================
> - 5.0 release:
>   - The main highlight of 2007 is the 5.0 release w/ AGG output support
>   - Review other 5.0 features
> - Incubation status:
>   - anything interesting to say here on our progress in 2007?
>   - what are our incubation objectives for the coming year?
> - Other 2007 events:
>   - MapServer TSC became a PSC (RFC-23)
>   - 4 new members added to PSC
>   - n new committers added
>   - MapServer moved to OSGeo infrastructure (SVN/Trac)
> Anything else you can think of?

- number of downloads, compare to last year if possible
- number of list members, compare to last year if possible
- number of mapscript flavors, compare if possible
- number of tickets open/closed
- number of submits made
- OGC standards added/supported
- 2008 goals and objectives
- thoughts on upcoming releases

-Steve W

> Daniel
> Steve Lime wrote:
>> Hi all: With 5.0 being released around conference time we will 
>> certainly have something to talk about, even a bit
>> of progress on incubation. It doesn't look like I can make the 
>> conference though. Is there anyone going that would
>> be willing to do a quick lightning talk on a year in the life of 
>> MapServer? I'd be happy to help with content.
>> Steve
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> Talk about your project at Annual General Meeting
>> From:
>> "Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)" <tmitchell at osgeo.org>
>> Date:
>> Mon, 20 Aug 2007 14:14:25 -0700
>> To:
>> Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com>, Cameron Shorter 
>> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>, "Robert (Bob) Bray" 
>> <robert.bray at autodesk.com>, Steve Lime <steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us>, 
>> Schuyler Erle <sderle at metacarta.com>, Christopher Schmidt 
>> <crschmidt at metacarta.com>, Markus Neteler <neteler.osgeo at gmail.com>, 
>> Mark Lucas <mlucas17 at mac.com>, Gary Sherman <support at mrcc.com>, Frank 
>> Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com>, Jody Garnett 
>> <jgarnett at refractions.net>, Chris Holmes <cholmes at openplans.org>, 
>> Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler at fao.org>
>> To:
>> Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com>, Cameron Shorter 
>> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>, "Robert (Bob) Bray" 
>> <robert.bray at autodesk.com>, Steve Lime <steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us>, 
>> Schuyler Erle <sderle at metacarta.com>, Christopher Schmidt 
>> <crschmidt at metacarta.com>, Markus Neteler <neteler.osgeo at gmail.com>, 
>> Mark Lucas <mlucas17 at mac.com>, Gary Sherman <support at mrcc.com>, Frank 
>> Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com>, Jody Garnett 
>> <jgarnett at refractions.net>, Chris Holmes <cholmes at openplans.org>, 
>> Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler at fao.org>
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm planning the OSGeo Annual General Meeting, to be held during the 
>> late afternoon of the first day of FOSS4G, following the workshops.  I 
>> invite you to talk for a few minutes about progress on your OSGeo 
>> projects.  Not only would it be great to hear about project updates, 
>> but it is also an attraction for the audience/members to be able to 
>> see at least one of the famous faces behind the projects (whether you 
>> want to believe that or not ;) ).
>> It will end up being a 3 or 5 minute lightning talk format, so it's 
>> not too much prep work and need not be a slideshow presentation.
>> If you are interested, please put your name down as confirmed in the 
>> agenda here:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/AGM_2007
>> I hope many of you will take me up on the offer!
>> Tyler

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