exporting layers to OGC interfaces

Paul Ramsey pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET
Thu Feb 22 11:31:40 EST 2007

Daniel Morissette wrote:

> This specific one is an easy fix and will be easy to document in a 5.0 
> migration guide. We could even make the GetCapabilities for disabled 
> protocols spit out an exception explaining that protocol WXS is not 
> enabled in this server, check the ows_export setting, etc.

I think that's key. If it is very clear what the problem is and how to 
fix it, users are being treated with respect.  So if I do 
SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GETCAPABILITIES and I get a Capabilities with no 
layers and a big comment saying "ows_export is not set" that helps a lot.

(I recently spent an enjoyable afternoon doing a binary search on some 
SQL code (does this half of the code work on its own? how about this 
half? how about this quarter?), because the Oracle error message was 
"ambiguous column name". Had the Oracle folks simply told me which 
column they *thought* was ambiguous I could have fixed it in 45 seconds, 
instead of 90 minutes.)



   Paul Ramsey
   Refractions Research
   pramsey at refractions.net
   Phone: 250-383-3022
   Cell: 250-885-0632

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