debug message in html from mapdraw.c

Brent Fraser bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM
Wed Jan 3 22:06:01 EST 2007

Current (cvs), 4.10.  I noticed in 4.8.1.

> What versions?
>>>> Brent Fraser <bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM> 01/03/07 4:59 PM >>>
> Frank,
>   I'm getting debug messages in my html generated by mapdraw.c.  At line
> 360
> there's a call to msDebug:
>         msDebug( "scalefactor = %g\n", map->layers[i].scalefactor );
> but it's not protected  with a "if (map->layers[i].debug)" or something
> similar.
> Should I file a bug report?
> Brent Fraser
> GeoAnalytic Inc.
> Calgary, Alberta

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