Access Control in MapServer

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Tue Jan 23 10:57:13 EST 2007

> Daniel Morissette wrote:
> > Sean Gillies wrote:
> >> Daniel, one word:
> >>
> >> Middleware, baby.
> >>
> >> Okay, two words. Your customer's access control 
> requirements are probably going to be continually evolving, 
> so keeping access control out of MapServer means easier 
> development and maintenance. And it keeps a lot of 
> complicated logic (needed by very few) out of the MapServer 
> application itself.
> > 
> > Steve Lime wrote:
> >> I guess you can't do that level of access control outside of 
> >> MapServer can you. I ok with this even if it's not terribly high 
> >> priority personally.
> >>
> > 
> > Some level of access control can be done outside of 
> MapServer, but not 
> > everything. For instance WMS layer level restrictions are easy to 
> > implement in a wrapper that simply checks the LAYERS=... 
> parameter of 
> > a WMS request and denies the request if an unauthorized 
> layer is requested.
> > 
> > However, things like attribute or bbox filtering can hardly be done 
> > outside of MapServer, e.g. users from group X can only 
> access features 
> > from layer L that match expression "AUTH_GROUP = X", or users from 
> > group Y can only access features inside a given BBOX or 
> that intersect 
> > with a given polygon.
> > 
> > Of course one could create separate layers for each class 
> of users and 
> > then simply do layer-level access control in a wrapper. That's the 
> > kind of workarounds they use now, but when the number of 
> > users/groups/restrictions combinations increase, the number 
> of layers 
> > become harder to manage and they are looking for something more 
> > integrated and more powerful.
> > 
> > Daniel
> Daniel, I finally took a close look at DACS, and it doesn't 
> seem so bad. 
> It is middleware and has an Apache module. If you really have 
> to implement super fine grain permissions into feature access 
> and rendering, it might be a decent choice, but are you not 
> worried about the performance hit of checking permission for 
> every feature drawn on a map? Thousands of calls to the 
> access control API for every map drawn? 
> Decent performance is going to mandate pre-processed 
> shapefiles or PostGIS views, so attribute-level run-time 
> access control seems less useful the more I think about it.
> Am I having an olfactory hallucination, or do I smell GeoDRM 
> around here? ;)

Another issue is that the DACS piece would have to be more neutral
w.r.t. platform and web server, to support Windows and IIS type


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