RFC 33: Removing msLayerWhichItems()...

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Thu Jul 12 16:52:42 EDT 2007

I'm starting to think this is a 5.2 change. It's definitely gnarly and the effects are not understood
well enough...


>>> On 7/12/2007 at 1:08 PM, in message <46966E28.2050306 at mapgears.com>, Daniel
Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> wrote:
> Steve Lime wrote:
>> The performance concern is real although I don't know how big a deal it is 
> for all drivers. I
>> believe with shapefiles you get everything anyway.  Not sure about others. 
> How would OGR
>> be impacted?
> Your comment made me doubt so I ran both shapefiles and OGR data sources 
> in the debugger and confirmed that when rendering a map, they both load 
> only the attributes that are required.
> In the shapefile case I believe you still need to do the file I/O to 
> read the full attribute record from disk, but only the values of the 
> required attributes are strdup'd and stored in the shape->values[] array.
> OGR works in a similar way: the OGRFeature object returned by OGR 
> contains all the attributes but we only copy the required attributes to 
> the shape->values[] that is seen by MapServer.
> I think the performance gain/loss would be more significant for 
> shapefiles than for OGR data sources for this reason.
>> msLayerWhichItems sets up the item indexes and you still need that for 
> queries since CLASSes
>> come into play.
> Plus, OGR uses special item indexes for some special OGR attributes that 
> are extracted from the style strings (OGR:LabelText, OGR:LabelAngle, and 
> OGR:LabelSize), so if we get rid of item indexes we'll need to think of 
> another way to handle that.
>> One way to mitigate the performance impact might be to allow a user to 
> explicitly set the ITEMS 
>> array in the configuration file. I'm hoping that with PostGIS and Oracle 
> Spatial that's essentially 
>> what you do with the sub-selects. An added benefit of that would be that 
> inline features could
>> now have attributes:
>>   NAME 'anInlineLayer'
>>   ITEMS name, type, area END
>>   LABELITEM 'name'
>>      POINTS ... END
>>      VALUES 'St. Paul', 'CITY', '53045098.12' END
>>   END
>>   ...
>> END
> I thought about providing the ability to specify the list of items in 
> the layer as a possible solution as well, but then I realized that this 
> was a move backwards for users since MapServer used to determine the 
> list of items automatically, and from now on users would be required to 
> do that manually for all layers if they care about performance.
> I find it odd for me to be arguing *for* keeping msLayerWhichItems() 
> since I never really understood nor liked it until today. In the 
> interest of getting this done for 5.0 and if everybody wants to get rid 
> of it then I won't object any more. I'll be happy with an optional 
> ITEMS...END block for those who really care about that little bit of 
> performance.
> Daniel

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