5.0-beta1 tomorrow ...

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Jul 25 00:00:24 EDT 2007

I would move RFC 31 to the new features section as that doesn't really fix an issue as
much as introduce new functionality.

I would not mention RFC 25. We should revisit the notions of that RFC and, in particular,
Frank's reply to it in the next week or so. The cellsize adjusting code and the macros in
mapserver.h all support the center to center model. WCS and WMS (server) adjust for
the difference. I'm not certain about the WMS client code.


>>> Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> 07/24/07 3:20 PM >>>

MapServer 5.0

New features:

- MS RFC 19: Added Style and Label attribute binding

- MS RFC 21: Raster Color Correction via color lookup table

- MS RFC 27: Added label priority

- MS RFC 29: Added dynamic charting (pie and bar charts)

- MS RFC 32: Added support for map rendering using the AGG library for
   better output quality

Long time issues resolved:

- MS RFC 17: Use dynamic allocation for symbols, layers, classes and styles
   (got rid of the static limit on the number of instances of each in a map)

- MS RFC 24: Improved memory management and garbage collection for MapScript

- MS RFC 26: Terminology cleanup (layer transparency renamed to opacity,
   scale becomes scaledenom, symbol style becomes symbol pattern)

- MS RFC 28: Enhanced the debug/logging mechanism to facilitate
   troubleshooting and tuning applications (RFC-28)

- MS RFC 31: New mechanism to load/set objects via URL using mapfile syntax

Not sure ???:

- MS RFC 25: Align MapServer pixel and extent models with OGC models

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