MapServer 5.0 release plan
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Mon Mar 19 12:20:11 EDT 2007
> > re: #4 Would libxml2 be in the cards for this, or would we
> continue on
> > the current path?
> Ehrrrr... um... have you seen how sunny it is today? ;) ;)
> (I'll keep a note about possibly converting the code to
> libxml2, but the
> initial plan was only to add WMS 1.3.0 support on top of the
> currently
> supported versions... and using the current printf-based approach)
Maybe this is best discussed in another thread, but we probably need to
figure out what our general path forward is w.r.t. XML support (i.e.
printf vs. libxml2).
I'm not proposing re-jigging MapServer's current XML output, but would
recommend that we use libxml2 for future developments and enhancements,
based on our experience with libxml2 in OGC:SOS, and in developing
mapowscommon.c, which would make future OWS spec devel in MapServer much
more palatable (i.e. OGC:WMS 1.3.0 Capaiblities output uses OWS Common
and could leverage mapowscommon.c's stuff, etc.).
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