AGG/PNG driver not configured?

Jaakko Kahkonen jaakko.kahkonen at FGI.FI
Thu Sep 6 03:15:19 EDT 2007

thomas bonfort wrote:
> rerun configure with --with-agg=/usr  (replace/usr with were the agg
> libs are found)

Thanks! AGG is working now.

 -------------- Renderer Settings ---------
  zlib support:
  png support:
  jpeg support:
  iconv support:             -DUSE_ICONV
  AGG support:               -DUSE_AGG
  AGG Freetype support:      -laggfontfreetype
  Ming(flash) support:       -DUSE_MING_FLASH
  PDFLib support:            -DUSE_PDF

Jaska K.

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