msautotest WFS spatial filters in meter projection

Normand Savard nsavard at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Sep 6 16:34:56 EDT 2007

I want to add some tests to cover more deeply the WFS spatial filters in 
the msautotest suite.  Actually all the spatial filters tests are 
executed against a WFS server which has its projection in lat/long 
(epsg:4326).  I want to create a WFS server which has its projection in 
meter.  The data illustrates the Canada maritimes provinces.  Frank 
suggested to use epsg:3347 which is correct based on what I see in OpenEv.

The only problem I see is that the projection definition is in 4.5.0 
version of proj4 library and not in 4.4.8.  Is this correct to add a 
dependence to this library for some of the msautotest?


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