[mapserver-dev] Tile Access API

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Apr 16 13:51:23 EDT 2008

Since WMS is a corollary for most CGI functions then perhaps that would be a
good candidate for a default status as well then.


>>> On 4/16/2008 at 11:54 AM, in message <20080416165414.GC12674 at metacarta.com>,
Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:37:01AM -0500, Steve Lime wrote:
>> I still favor more off then on by default. For most of the OGC
>> services you need to explicitly configure them for them to be useful
>> anyway so in that case off by default makes more sense to me. The CGI
>> should really be the only default service. Plus, in most cases a
>> mapfile is configured for 1 maybe two services and it's much easier to
>> turn 2 things on than 10 things off.
> Turning off WMS by default will break many existing OpenLayers
> applications, and make the 'first step' to getting OpenLayers set up
> significantly more difficult. Just getting people to add wms_srs metdata
> is hard enough, and in the beginning of the project was one of the most 
> common questions for people setting up their own data. (Since then, most 
> users have stopped using MapServer in favor of OpenStreetMap, so that's
> a more common initial data setup question, at least of the ones I
> field.)
> The entire reason for the OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer is because the WMS
> setup step was too difficult for people at the time, either becacuse
> they couldn't figure it out or because they didn't have control over the
> server. (This also means that the primary reason for defaulting these
> services to off -- that it prevents unexpected access -- isn't really
> true, since OpenLayers is designed to act against the CGI interface
> directly...)
> I think that (as Frank suggested) something which defaults to at least
> some services on if it's not set is valuable. 
> Regards,

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