Axis Orientation and msOWSCommonBoundingBox()
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Thu Jan 17 14:47:01 EST 2008
> Tom,
> As we have touched on in the past, for WCS 1.1 I need to
> honour EPSG axis orientation for geographic coordinate
> systems. I'm preparing an RFC for WCS 1.1 that address this
> but in order to demonstrate the service later this week I'd
> like to actually commit the relavent code. The changes will
> mean that msOWSCommonBoundingBox() will actually re-orient
> the axes for the min/max values if the CRS is of the form
> urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4???.
> I'm sending this email to warn you since I'm concerned this
> might affect SOS which I assume is the only other code
> currently using msOWSCommonBoundingBox().
Currently, no other code (except for now mapwcs11.c) uses
msOWSCommonBoundingBox. I had implemented it so that it would be there
ready as implementations of standards migrated to OWS Common.
SOS uses msGML3BoundedBy, because SOS 1.0.0 uses GML to specify bounding
boxes instead of OWS Common.
> Does SOS expect to report EPSG preferred axis order in stuff
> like bounding boxes? Does it use URN style coordinate system
> definitions or "EPSG:n" style?
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