[mapserver-dev] GetFeature

Hallgren, Johan johan.hallgren at logica.com
Fri Mar 21 03:19:37 EDT 2008


We have a problem when reading data stored in Oracle and ArcSDE 8.3. In later versions of SDE it's work fine, but in this case it blows up.

Here is the error we get:
msSDELayerGetShape(): SDE error. SE_stream_fetch_row(): Invalid parameter value passed to function. (-66)

   at OSGeo.MapServer.layerObj.getFeature(Int32 shapeindex, Int32 tileindex)
   at WMData.GIS.GMSAgent_WP.Libs.MapEngine.Get_Features(XmlDocument xmlDoc) in

And here is the code we use:
int lFeat = 0;
for (lFeat = iBeginRecord; lFeat < oResultCacheObj.numresults; lFeat++)
      if (lFeat < (iFeatureLimit + iBeginRecord))
            resultCacheMemberObj oResultCacheMemberObj = oResultCacheObj.getResult(lFeat);
            shapeObj oShapeObj = oLayerObj.getFeature(oResultCacheMemberObj.shapeindex, oResultCacheMemberObj.tileindex);
            sb.Append(RetrieveShape(oLayerObj, oShapeObj, strFields, aStrFields, bEnvelope, bAttributes, bNewXMLOutput));
            bHasMore = (oResultCacheObj.numresults > (iFeatureLimit + iBeginRecord));

There is some line that only relates to or software but as I see it shouldn't be a problem. For each feature in the result cash we get an object and then we tries to get the shapeObj with getFeature and there it crash. The problem is ONLY related to SDE 8.3. For all other data sources it has worked.

Anyone having clue what's wrong?

Johan Hallgren

Pelle Bergs backe 3
Box 1938, 791 19 Falun
Tel (och mobil): 023-547 46 (int: +46-2354746)
johan.hallgren at logica.com<mailto:johan.hallgren at logica.com>

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