[mapserver-dev] Documentation Updates

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 11:58:00 EST 2008

On Nov 24, 2008, at 10:24 AM, Steve Lime wrote:

> Looks quite nice. Looks like you've chosen a good direction.
> Do you envision ALL documents to be managed this way or just some
> of them?

I envision all proper/official/docs-to-be-maintained-in-perpetuity (I  
can't come up with a good way to decide where this split is, but if  
you're dev and you change the software and then have to change a doc  
to match, this doc should be in svn IMO) be maintained in subversion.   
Jeff may have some insight too, as he's had to struggle with this  
across at least two different approaches...

> How will this work with a content management system or does
> that need go away?

IMO, we get as far away from the CMS user/management business as  
possible ;)  The closest thing we'd have is the Trac wiki, and every  
project using OSGeo's infrastructure has that problem...

> Things like symbology exchanges and galleries will
> still demand something different.

I plan to use OpenLayers' gallery software for ours.  That way  
development effort benefits both of our projects.  Gregor has already  
moved the symbology exchange to Trac's wiki, which is where it  
probably should have been from the beginning.

> How will additional languages be handled, just as a another  
> directory in svn?

As another tree, or docs alongside existing ones with a language  
identifier.  wfs_server_de.txt, for example.  Now would be a good time  
for volunteers to start participating on this if any are interested.

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