[mapserver-dev] Vehicle tracking

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Mon Oct 6 13:53:57 EDT 2008

Gil Matityahu wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. Would I use all PostGIS, pgRouting, Mapserver, 
> and OpenLayers combined? Are there tutorials on getting started?

Yes, use all of them:
	PostGIS (plus postgresql) for data storage
	pgRouting for routing ("directions")
	MapServer for extracting data from PostGIS and creating nice map graphic
	OpenLayers for client-side GUI for pan/zoom, layers on/off, etc

and you'll need to code/script a program to load your realtime vehicle positions into PostGIS.  I don't know of an open source application to do this (but you could have a look at http://www.opendmtp.org) 

And there are alternatives to all of the above (e.g http://www.opengts.org/).

I don't know of any tutorials (check the home pages of the above s/w?), but I'm sure a good Google search would supply lots of information.

> On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> 
> wrote:
>     PostGIS, pgRouting, Mapserver, and OpenLayers seems to be a common
>     configuration for server-side processing and client-side web-based
>     viewing.
>     Gil Matityahu wrote:
>         I am trying to develop a web based map application for real time
>         vehicle tracking and directions calculation. Can someone please
>         guide me on getting started in completing such a task.

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