AW: AW: AW: [mapserver-dev] speed up layer displayingpostgis-mapserver

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at
Tue Sep 2 15:05:54 EDT 2008

It could be related to this:

I recommend upgrading to MS4W 2.2.9 and re-testing.

Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

SUSANNE wrote:
> I am using ms4w 2.2.8.
> Thanks a lot for your reply.
> Greetings from Austria, Susanne Kalliany
> BrainDrain wrote:
>> I think I know what is your problem. What version of ms4w you're using?
>> SUSANNE wrote:
>>> 120 tiles are 4*30 tiles (30 tiles for covering the screen, 4 layers).
>>> These tiles are empty at the beginning of the project because there are
>>> no
>>> data. During mapping I have a routine only to update changed tiles.
>>> Do you have a better idea?
>>> Thanks for helping, Susanne Kalliany
>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>> Von: mapserver-dev-bounces at
>>> [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at] Im Auftrag von BrainDrain
>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. August 2008 13:46
>>> An: mapserver-dev at
>>> Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [mapserver-dev] speed up layer
>>> displayingpostgis-mapserver
>>> why you need 120 tiles at once? for what? 120... it will take a time, but
>>> it
>>> needless in most cases to generate so many in one operation.
>>> and why empty?
>>> try to use Proj4 projection string instead of epsg code.
>>> SUSANNE wrote:
>>>> Excuse me; I sent my previous mail unintentionally!
>>>> I am really afraid I am doing something basically wrong; but don't know
>>>> how
>>>> to go on.
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help, Susanne Kalliany
>>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>> Von: mapserver-dev-bounces at
>>>> [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Susanne
>>>> Kalliany
>>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. August 2008 12:50
>>>> An: 'BrainDrain'; mapserver-dev at
>>>> Betreff: AW: AW: [mapserver-dev] speed up layer displaying
>>>> postgis-mapserver
>>>> Sorry for being so nasty. 
>>>> I did like you told:
>>>> LAYER
>>>>    NAME zobject1
>>>>    GROUP zobject1
>>>>    STATUS ON
>>>>    MAXSCALE 30000
>>>>    CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>>>>    CONNECTION 'user=postgres password=susi dbname=tefisdb host=localhost
>>>> port=5432'
>>>>    DATA  'the_geom FROM zobject1 USING UNIQUE gid1 USING SRID=31282'
>>>>    		'init=epsg:31282'
>>>>    END
>>>> But nevertheless for drawing 4 (empty) postgis layers -120 tiles 256*256
>>>> I
>>>> need 3.5 minutes.
>>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>> Von: mapserver-dev-bounces at
>>>> [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at] Im Auftrag von BrainDrain
>>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. August 2008 21:15
>>>> An: mapserver-dev at
>>>> Betreff: Re: AW: [mapserver-dev] speed up layer displaying
>>>> postgis-mapserver
>>>> -how did you import your layer data into postgres table? did you use
>>>> GIST
>>>> indexing?
>>>> did you use PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" for your layer?
>>>> did you reproject your data?
>>>> cluster <gindexname> on <tablename> - just a sql command which you can
>>>> run
>>>> in context of postgis database using psql console app or pgAgmin utils
>>>> or
>>>> other software that helps pgsql developers. This command creates
>>>> "physically-allocated" gindex which can boost perfomance for large
>>>> layers.
>>>> I have some layers with 180000-190000 polygons and mapserv draws 256x256
>>>> tiles pretty fast for my ajax powered webapp.
>>>> SUSANNE wrote:
>>>>> Thanks a lot for reply!
>>>>> I inserted following line and now postgis query works fine.
>>>>> "DATA  'the_geom FROM zobject1 USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=31282'"
>>>>> But I don't get on with optimization. 
>>>>> On which place do I have to insert: "cluster gindexname on tablename" ?
>>>>> I inserted in postgresql.conf:
>>>>> #---------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> vacuum full	
>>>>> For me it didn't make any effort. 
>>>>> And I am worried because there is only one feature in postgis table,
>>>>> nevertheless one redraw from database needs more than 2 minute (I
>>>>> created
>>>>> 30
>>>>> png tiles 256*256 RGB 24bit).
>>>>> I am afraid I am doing something basically wrong!?
>>>>> Many thanks in advance for your kind efforts
>>>>> Susanne Kalliany
>>>>> ----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>> Von: mapserver-dev-bounces at
>>>>> [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at] Im Auftrag von
>>>>> BrainDrain
>>>>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. August 2008 12:31
>>>>> An: mapserver-dev at
>>>>> Betreff: Re: [mapserver-dev] speed up layer displaying
>>>>> postgis-mapserver
>>>>> 1. DATA "geom from public.construct >>>>USING UNIQUE [id field name]
>>>>> USING
>>>>> SRID=[your srid or -1 (not recom.)]<<<<" for all postgis layers
>>>>> this solves problem with msPOSTGISLayerRetrievePGVersion
>>>>> 2. I use cluster gindexname on tablename & vacuum full. +
>>>>> SUSANNE wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Mapserver List!
>>>>>> I am developing Mapserver-application (ms4w 2.2.7, postgres 1.8.2)
>>>>>> since
>>>>>> half a year. Now some debugging and optimization work has to be done.
>>>>>> I am doing quite well with programming, but I am not very experienced
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> installation - optimization issues.
>>>>>> I would be very grateful for some hints to answer the follwing
>>>>>> questions
>>>>>> or how to improve performance generally.
>>>>>> 1. How can I get rid of following error:
>>>>>> msPOSTGISLayerRetrievePGVersion(): Query error. Error executing
>>>>>> POSTGIS
>>>>>> statement (msPOSTGISLayerRetrievePGVersion():select
>>>>>> substring(version()
>>>>>> from 12 for (position('on' in version()) - 13))
>>>>>> I did some in internet searches but I could'nt take head or tale of
>>>>>> it.
>>>>>> 2. Should I increase max_buffer in postgresql.conf?
>>>>>> I found the tip
>>>>>> (, but
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> don't have such an item in my postgres.conf file and also don't know
>>>>>> which
>>>>>> value I have to set.
>>>>>> 3. How to improve displaying of 5 postgres-supported editable layer.
>>>>>> It
>>>>>> takes some time even when these layers are empty!? 
>>>>>> (Installation uses kaMap in javascript-php enviroment)
>>>>>> thanks a lot, Susanne Kalliany

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