[mapserver-dev] msTransformShapeAGG vs. msTransformShape

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Mon Apr 20 18:11:12 EDT 2009

This is probably mostly for Thomas. Anyone recall why msTransformShapeAGG exists (and isn't the standard)? I've
noticed changes between 4.10, 5.2 and now 5.4 when drawing small polygons. Here's a summary:

  - 4.10 is ok and is obviously pre-AGG
  - 5.0/5.2 some small polygons render but won't label in GD, ok in AGG
  - 5.4 some small polygons don't render or label in GD, ok in AGG

The differences are because of changes in msTransformShape between 4.10 and 5.0 I believe. Probably as a result of 
the initial addition of AGG. The msTransformShapeAGG() seems to function fine and I'm wondering why we don't just use
it everywhere. I don't see anything in the function that seems to be AGG specific.


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