[mapserver-dev] Reprojection of [shpext] and [mapext] in templates.

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Apr 29 10:16:24 EDT 2009

Seems like a good idea. Gotta patch? ;-)


>>> Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> 04/27/09 10:01 AM >>>
Jim, Steve,

  What do you think about adding 
	proj=map  (return projected coordinates)

to the already existing
	proj=image  (returns pixel coordinates)
	proj="+proj=merc ..."  

to minimize the web site implementation pain if the projection is changed in the map file(s)?

Brent Fraser

Jim Klassen wrote:
> Attached is a first stab at a patch to implement this. I've only tested with [shpext] so there may be problems for other options.
> If there is interest I'll add this into trac.
>>>> "Jim Klassen" <Jim.Klassen at ci.stpaul.mn.us> 02/11/09 11:45 AM >>>
> I recently ran into situation where it would be useful to be able to place [shpext proj=...] in a template much like can be done with [shpxy]. When looking through the code, I see this isn't a new idea because there is a line listing this as a TODO item.
> maptemplate.c:1270
> /*
> ** Function process any number of MapServer extent tags (e.g. shpext, mapext, etc...).
> **
> ** TODO: Add projection support (see shpxy tag).
> **       Allow percentage expansion (e.g. 10%).
> */
> Is anyone currently working on this? If not, I'd be willing to implement the functionality.
> Are there any hidden implications (outside maptemplate.c, like say in mapscript) for changing the following function definition to include a layer pointer to determine the source projection?
> static int processExtentTag(mapservObj *mapserv, char **line, char *name, rectObj *extent)
> Jim K
> City of Saint Paul, MN
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