[mapserver-dev] Reprojection of [shpext] and [mapext] in templates.

Jim Klassen Jim.Klassen at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed Feb 11 15:03:45 EST 2009

Attached is a first stab at a patch to implement this. I've only tested with [shpext] so there may be problems for other options.

If there is interest I'll add this into trac.

>>> "Jim Klassen" <Jim.Klassen at ci.stpaul.mn.us> 02/11/09 11:45 AM >>>
I recently ran into situation where it would be useful to be able to place [shpext proj=...] in a template much like can be done with [shpxy]. When looking through the code, I see this isn't a new idea because there is a line listing this as a TODO item.

** Function process any number of MapServer extent tags (e.g. shpext, mapext, etc...).
** TODO: Add projection support (see shpxy tag).
**       Allow percentage expansion (e.g. 10%).

Is anyone currently working on this? If not, I'd be willing to implement the functionality.

Are there any hidden implications (outside maptemplate.c, like say in mapscript) for changing the following function definition to include a layer pointer to determine the source projection?

static int processExtentTag(mapservObj *mapserv, char **line, char *name, rectObj *extent)

Jim K
City of Saint Paul, MN
mapserver-dev mailing list
mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org

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