[mapserver-dev] Next release: 5.6 or 6.0...

Thomas Bonfort thomas.bonfort at camptocamp.com
Thu Jul 16 15:32:02 EDT 2009

single pass queries alone might warrant a 6.0 release, so I don't want
to be the one to hold on to a 5.x one just because the rendering
plugin stuff won't be finished.

Another feature coming in is native kml output, David Kana is
implementing under gsoc with Assefa and myself. I might be wrong, but
I don't think the SVG or KML additions will be ready for a foss4g

All this to say, I'm a strong 0 on giving an opinion on whether the
autumn release should be 5.6 or 6.0, and will be happy with any
decision you others see best.



+33 4 79 26 57 97

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 06:44, Steve Lime<Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us> wrote:
> Just trying to clean up loose ends. There was a short-lived thread on the topic some weeks
> ago with little conclusion. Thomas made the point that the rendering plugin will not be ready
> by the fall and he proposed an interim 5.6 release. A 5.6 could still have some nice additions:
>  - single pass queries
>  - repeating labels
>  - SVG symbols
>  - experimental renderer plugin support for Cairo
>  - etc...
> Are folks on board with that?  I've already created a 5.6 milestone in Trac just in case and will
> setup a road map page as well.
> Steve
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