[mapserver-dev] Some PHP MapScript documenting

Josh Hevenor josh.hevenor at dedomena.ca
Thu Jul 16 18:00:02 EDT 2009

I'd like to go through the effort of writing a simple example for each
of class functions in the ShapeFileObj class.  Since I'm currently doing
a small project using the ShapeFileObj (and ran into some trouble) I
figure it's a great place for me to start. If there's interest I'd be
willing to work through examples for all classes...or at least to see
how far we get.

If anyone has example code for ShapeFileObj please send it my way. I'll
work on compiling the responses and I'll submit back to here once I have
something of interest.  For that matter if you have small examples for
the other objects send them my way (tag them with the object name) and
I'll see what I can do with those as well. Or if anyone is interested in
a more collaborative undertaking let me know.


Josh Hevenor

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