[mapserver-dev] Vote for MS-RFC-55: Improve control of output resolution

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Mon Mar 16 09:59:56 EDT 2009


Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> My only comment is that I had to give the RFC a good read until I 
>> understood what "DEFRESOLUTION" meant.  How about we give the new 
>> keyword a more understandable name for a new user?  DEFAULTRESOLUTION?
> I'll be first to admit that DEFRESOLUTION is a poor name (I think I even 
> wrote that before), but we could not find anything better and personally 
> I find DEFAULTRESOLUTION a bit long and not that much more meaningful. 
> However if you make that a formal proposal and collect enough +1 to 
> change the name then I have no problem with the change.
> Technically the vote to adopt the RFC ends this afternoon at 2pm, so you 
> can still -1 it and propose an amended version, the alternative I guess 
> is that all those who voted +1 on the RFC already would have to show 
> their support for the new name, which comes down to the equivalent of 
> restarting the vote anyway.
> Daniel

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