[mapserver-dev] MapServer project status report at FOSS4G

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Oct 20 12:30:08 EDT 2009

Looks pretty good. The 5.4 release plan is pretty up-to-date with major additions (RFCs), bug fixes
and dates.

  5.4.0 - released April 23
  5.4.1 - released June 3
  5.4.2 - released June 24

Focus on security is good. Other 6.0 stuff I've been thinking about revolves around things like:

  - MapScript API clean up (fixing function signatures)
  - GD support clean up (remove anti-aliasing, perhaps move to new rendering API)
  - Template clean up (simplify supported tags)
  - Support for label styles
  - Inline SLD
  - Support for block references so things like styles or labels can be shared
  - Object (e.g. layerObj) serialization to strings

Might also talk about possibly adding additional communication channels such as a blog and perhaps a
Twitter channel.

Thanks for taking this on!


>>> On 10/20/2009 at 1:21 AM, in message <4ADD56F2.7020904 at mapgears.com>, Daniel
Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:
> Hi Devs, PSC,
> We are going to give a "MapServer Project Status" presentation at FOSS4G 
> on Friday morning. I still need to complete a few slides, but I'd invite 
> you to review the current version in the next day or so, and let me know 
> if any important point is missing. Let's keep in mind that we don't want 
> to go into too much detail since we want to keep some time for 
> interaction with the users.
> In PDF format:
>    http://dl.mapgears.com/foss4g2009-mapserver-project-status.pdf 
> Or the original in Open Office format:
>    http://dl.mapgears.com/foss4g2009-mapserver-project-status.odp 
> BTW, if other members of the dev/PSC team are in Sydney then you are 
> invited to join us so that users can meet us all... I think there is 
> only Paul but am not 100% sure.
> Daniel

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