[mapserver-dev] ms rfc-58:kml integration

Yewondwossen Assefa yassefa at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Apr 8 20:16:41 EDT 2010

Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Assefa,
> I'm +1 for moving into SVN trunk.
> I have a question about the projection section.  Can the RFC be 
> updated to include the exact error wording when projections do not 
> match the accepted one? (I'd like all RFCs to include error messages, 
> as these messages can be quite confusing to users)
 I will update the projection section as I go. I believe that we should 
set automatically the projection at the map level to epsg:4326 and not 
generate an error. The RFC right now reflects what is currently 
available but I intend to change this behavior which would make it I 
think easier for people.

I will go through the code and retrieve all error messages that are 
destined to the user and add a section in the RFC.

 I think It is a good idea in general to clearly define the error 
messages but I think It might not be always practical to have them in an 
RFC since this implies that the code is already written. I am more in 
favor of having them "mandatory" in the docs and "optional" in RFCs.


Assefa Yewondwossen           
Software Analyst   

Email: yassefa at dmsolutions.ca    

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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