[mapserver-dev] Mapserver 5.6 PHP-Mapscript Crash (processquerytemplate)

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed Apr 28 09:11:56 EDT 2010

It is quite possible that this function may have been overlooked in the 
transition to the new query mechanism.

The best would be for you to file a ticket about this with a simple test 
case to reproduce, so that we don't forget about the issue, and that one 
of us has a look when we have a minute.


Dieter Zuberbühler wrote:
> hi all,
> can anybody confirm to me, that the function processquerytemplate of the 
> mapObj still works in PHP-Mapscript 5.6.x (used with postgis layers)?
> if so, what has changed since 5.4.x (i didnt't saw anything in the 
> migration guide...) or is this a bug, since the implementation of single 
> pass queries?
> i used this function in PHP-Mapscript 4.10 / 5.2 / 5.4 whithout any 
> problem... but in all versions of 5.6 i've tested, the php script ends 
> up with a crash (no response, no error message)
> i tried:
> fedora 11, php 5.2 mapserver (compiled)
> fedora 12 php 5.3 mapserver (binary, compiled)
> ubuntu 9.1 php 5.2 mapserver (binary: ubuntugis)
> ubuntu 10.04 php 5.3 mapserver (binary: standard)
> thanks for any reply
> dieter
> (i posted this to mapserver-users list too: i'm not sure, wether this is 
> a user and/or development problem)
> -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
> GOGIS Dieter Zuberbühler
> CH-4142 Münchenstein
> www.gogis.ch <http://www.gogis.ch>
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Daniel Morissette

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